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2,285 datasets found
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017-2023 (Kent)
UNESCOLocal Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017-2023. Kent (GB) -
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (Gloucestershire)
UNESCOLocal Flood Risk Management Strategy. Gloucestershire (GB) -
Local Flood Risk Management Plan (Newcastle)
UNESCOLocal Flood Risk Management Plan. Newcastle (GB) -
Green Infrastructure and Cycling Strategy (West Lancashire)
UNESCOGreen Infrastructure and Cycling Strategy. Lancashire (GB) -
Flood Risk Management Strategy (Cheshire East, 2017)
UNESCOFlood Risk Management Strategy. Cheshire (GB) -
Federal law on the promotion of hydraulic engineering from federal funds - Au...
UNESCOFederal law on the promotion of hydraulic engineering from federal funds -
Building and construction law include detailed building codes, regulations or...
UNESCOBuilding and construction law include detailed building codes, regulations or rules (Landesgesetz) - Austria -
Executive order 1976 (Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Fo...
UNESCOExecutive order 1976 Verordnung des Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft 1976) - Austria -
Climate Change Adaptation Water Management - Pluvial Flood/Surface Runoff - A...
UNESCOKlimawandelanpassung Wasserwirtschaft – Pluviales Hochwasser/Oberflächenabfluss -
Finland’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (2005)
UNESCOFinland’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change -
National Strategy for Biodiversity (2014), Ministerial Decision 40332/2014 (G...
UNESCONational Strategy for Biodiversity (2014), Ministerial Decision 40332/2014 (Greece) -
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EU)
UNESCOStrategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/E) -
Decree of the Ministry of Interior relative to fishing and the catch of seals...
UNESCODecree of the Ministry of Interior relative to fishing and the catch of seals in certain convention areas within the territorial waters of the Russian Federation in the Gulf of... -
Map of Measurement Stations in the Basin Area_Greece
kkt-itcExisting forecast, monitoring, and measurement stations according to (Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management/Information Portal) andexisting... -
Map of Spercheios Basin Boundary
kkt-itcSource: Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management Information Portal -
Global administrative borders - Level 0
KAJOGADM (Global ADMinistrative borders) spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions - Level 0.