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2,206 datasets found
Perspective on urban development to 2030 (Hamburg)
UNESCOPerspective on urban development to 2030. Hamburg (DE) -
Ordinance on protection provisions in water protection areas (Lower Saxony)
UNESCOOrdinance on protection provisions in water protection areas. Lower Saxony (DE) -
Climate Protection Master Plan OA Part 2 Municipalities (Allgäu)
UNESCOMasterplan Klimaschutz OA Teil2 Kommunen. Allgäu (DE) -
Master Plan 100% Climate Protection OA Part 1 (Allgäu)
UNESCOMasterplan 100% Klimaschutz OA Teil 1. Allgäu (DE) -
Integrated urban development concept Leipzig 2020
UNESCOIntegrated urban development concept "Leipzig 2020. Leipzig (DE) -
Flood Risk Management - 2011-2021 in Schleswig-Holstein
UNESCOHochwasserrisikomanagement - 2011-2021 in Schleswig-Holstein. Schleswig-Holstein (DE) -
Climate change - challenge facing urban climatology 2010 (Stuttgart)
UNESCOClimate change – challenge facing urban climatology 2010. Stuttgart (DE) -
REGKLAM - Regional Climate Change Adaptation Programme Model Region (Dresden)
UNESCOREGKLAM - Regionales Klimaanpassungsprogramm Modellregion Dresden. Dresden (DE) -
Policy SS2 Development in the Countryside (North Norwich)
UNESCOPolicy SS2 Development in the Countryside. North Norwich (GB) -
Policy SS1 Spatial Strategy for North Norfolk (North Norwich)
UNESCOPolicy SS1 Spatial Strategy for North Norfolk. North Norwich (GB) -
Policy EN9 Biodiversity and Geology (North Norwich)
UNESCOPolicy EN9 Biodiversity and Geology. North Norwich (GB) -
Policy EN2 Protection and Enhancement of Landscape and Settlement Character (...
UNESCOPolicy EN2 Protection and Enhancement of Landscape and Settlement Character. North Norwich (GB) -
Policy EN10 Development and Flood Risk (North Norwich)
UNESCOPolicy EN10 Development and Flood Risk. North Norwich (GB)