Upper Austrian Water Supply Act 2015
UNESCOUpper Austrian Water Supply Act 2015. Upper Austria (AT) -
Tyrolean nature conservation ordinance 2020
UNESCOTyrolean nature conservation ordinance 2020. Tirol (AT) -
The Austrian Strategy for Sustainable Development
UNESCOThe Austrian Strategy for Sustainable Development -
Agri-Environmental Programme ÖPUL 2015 Agriculture, Environment and Nature
UNESCOAgri-Environmental Programme ÖPUL 2015 Agriculture, Environment and Nature -
State law of Mining (Mineralrohstoffgesetz 1999, BGBl. I, Nr. 38/1999) - Austria
UNESCOState law of Mining (Mineralrohstoffgesetz 1999, BGBl. I, Nr. 38/1999) - Austria -
Forestry Act 1975 (Forstgesetz 1975, BGBl. Nr. 440/1975) - Austria
UNESCOForestry Act 1975 (Forstgesetz 1975, BGBl. Nr. 440/1975) - Austria -
Law No. 3208/2003. Protection of forest ecosystems, regulation of rights over...
UNESCOLaw No. 3208/2003. Protection of forest ecosystems, regulation of rights over forests and forestal areas and other provisions (Greece) -
Law No. 3889 on the funding of environmental projects, the Green Fund, approv...
UNESCOLaw No. 3889 on the funding of environmental projects, the Green Fund, approval of Forest Maps and other provisions (Greece) -
Law 2971/2001 Seashore beach and other provisions (Greece)
UNESCOLaw 2971/2001 Seashore beach and other provisions (Greece) -
Law 1650/1986 on the protection of the environment - Greece
UNESCOLaw 1650/1986 on the protection of the environment - Greece -
Basic Act No. 3937 on the Conservation of Biodiversity - Greece
UNESCOBasic Act No. 3937 on the Conservation of Biodiversity - Greece -
Law 4014/2011 - Implementation of the EIA Directive in Greece
UNESCOLaw 4014/2011 - Implementation of the EIA Directive in Greece -
Law 3199/2003 (2003) - Water protection and management (Implementing the WFD ...
UNESCOLaw 3199/2003 (2003) - Water protection and management (Implementing the WFD 2000/60/EC) - Greece -
Birmingham City Council’s Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
UNESCOBirmingham City Council’s Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan. Birmingham (GB) -
South Foreland to Beachy Head Shoreline Management Plan
UNESCOSouth Foreland to Beachy Head Shoreline Management Plan. East Sussex (GB)