Species protection concept of the city (Stuttgart)
UNESCOSpecies protection concept of the city. Stuttgart (DE) -
Landscape Strategy & Guidelines (Cotswold)
UNESCOLandscape Strategy & Guidelines. Cotswold (GB) -
Development Management DPD adopted August 2015 (Broadland)
UNESCODevelopment Management DPD adopted August 2015. Broadland (GB) -
Development guidance - Green Networks (Highlands)
UNESCODevelopment guidance - Green Networks. Highlands (GB) -
Sustainable energy action plan (SEAP) (Edinburgh)
UNESCOSustainable energy action plan (SEAP). Edinburgh (GB) -
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EU)
UNESCOStrategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/E) -
EU Biodiversity Strategy (COM/2011/0244 final)
UNESCOEU Biodiversity Strategy (COM/2011/0244 final) -
Law No. 1/2018 - Adopts urgent measures to alleviate the effects of drought i...
UNESCOLaw No. 1/2018 - Adopts urgent measures to alleviate the effects of drought in certain river basins -
Land Use and Planning Ordinance, 1985
UNESCOLand Use and Planning Ordinance, 1985. Eastern Cape (ZA) -
Décret n°2015-675 du 31 décembre 2015 portant création, attributions, organis...
UNESCODécret n°2015-675 du 31 décembre 2015 portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l'Agence du Bassin de l'Ouémé (ABO).. Ouémé (BJ) -
The Municipal Climate Change Policy of São Paulo
UNESCOThe Municipal Climate Change Policy of São Paulo. Sao Paulo (BR) -
Managing Disaster Risk and Water Security: Strategies for Small Island Develo...
UNESCOManaging Disaster Risk and Water Security: Strategies for Small Island Developing States -
Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution 1984
UNESCOLaw on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution 1984