Activity Stream
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Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Law on Conservation and Landscape Management - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) in the dataset Law on Conservation and Landscape Management - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Law on Conservation and Landscape Management - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) to the dataset Law on Conservation and Landscape Management - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Law on Conservation and Landscape Management - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Austrian Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Finland's National Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2022 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Finland's National Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2022 to the dataset Finland's National Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2022 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Finland's National Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2022 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Planning (LEP) in the dataset Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Planning (LEP) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Planning (LEP) to the dataset Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Planning (LEP) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Planning (LEP) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Government Decree on the Management of the Marine Environment 980 of 2011 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Government Decree on the Management of the Marine Environment 980/2011 to the dataset Government Decree on the Management of the Marine Environment 980 of 2011 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Government Decree on the Management of the Marine Environment 980 of 2011 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building. in the dataset Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building. over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building. to the dataset Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building. over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building. over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environment (No. 1022 of 2006). in the dataset Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environment (No. 1022 of 2006). over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environment (No. 1022 of 2006). to the dataset Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environment (No. 1022 of 2006). over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environment (No. 1022 of 2006). over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) to the dataset Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+ over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Austrian Forest Startegy 2020+ in the dataset 2020+ Austrian Forest Strategy over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Austrian Forest Startegy 2020+ to the dataset 2020+ Austrian Forest Strategy over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset 2020+ Austrian Forest Strategy over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”) in the dataset Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”) to the dataset Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Government Decree on Water Resources Management Regions (1303/2004) in the dataset Government Decree on Water Resources Management Regions (1303/2004) over 5 years ago
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