In this data set, you will find a Zip with a Shapefile (.shp), a data file (.xls) and the documentation (.pdf)that compiles data to assess the risk in the Panaro river basin, in Italy.
The dataset is composed of multiple layers to assess the social and ecological vulnerability toward the landslide hazard and the population exposure in the area. This dataset is presenting the risks in the Panaro river floodplain (the lowland part of the Panaro River, a right-bank tributary of Po River, with the headwater in the Apennines.) (D2.1). There are several municipalities across the OAL (Panaro flows across a very populated area, with many industrial, agricultural activities, including livestock.) (D2.1). The basin is exposed to flooding, especially due to levee erosion, to isolated storms and/or mesoscale organized convection. (D2.1)
Past hazard events:
- The region experienced major flooding in 1951, 1958, 1994 and 2000, caused by heavy rainfall in the upper catchment (Authority of the Po River Basin (AdBPo) 2005, in Amadio 2012). For the Panaro river, the most critical flood events occurred in 1940 and 1973, even though critical conditions on the embankment stability have been experienced also recently (2014). (D6.2)
- The intervention is characterized by the installation of herbaceous plants on the embankment of the Panaro River. (D2.1)
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