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6 datasets found
Private Smart Ecosystem Based Management Weather station data
UCDRealtime weather station database for eight weather parameters installed in different parts of the Dublin city that majorly uncovered by any other weather observation system -
Private OAL-UK-Catterline-RiskAssessment
In this data set, you will find a data file (.xls) and a (.shp) that compiles data to assess the risk in the Catterline Bay, in Scotland, UK. The dataset is composed of multiple... -
Private Monthly water balance components in OAL-AT for 1950-2100 under current landco...
OAWMonthly water balance components derived from an empirical water balance model driven with air temperature and precipitation from bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX data in OAL-AT for... -
Private Monthly water balance components in OAL-AT for 1950-2100 for changed landcover
OAWMonthly water balance components derived from an empirical water balance model driven with air temperature and precipitation from bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX data in OAL-AT for... -
Private Soil conditions
UNIBOParameters and data useful for defining hydraulic and mechanical properties of soil at Panaro river site (near the town of Bomporto, OAL Italy)