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9 datasets found
Private Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria
Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria to infer the regolith depth and penetration resistance A light-weight CPT device was used, dropping a... -
Private OEAW_20200803_DGNSS_NBS_GCPs
Ground control points measured at the NBS field experiment site on 2020/08/03 with the help of a differential global navigation satellite system, post-processing with APOS-data... -
Private Map of Main River Network_Greece
Source Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management Information Portal The data have been edited by our team using OpenStreetMaps -
Private Map of Natura 2000 Network and protected areas_ Greece
Source: -
Private 3.2_OALGreece_ Area of Agricultural land
This dataset contains geographical information and a processed table showing the area of agricultural land, according to Corine categorization, for the basin of Spercheios. -
Private 3.1_OALGreece_ Area of Forest Cover
This dataset contains geographical information and a processed table showing the area of forest land, according to Corine categorization, for the basin of Spercheios. -
Private Extreme Meteorological Event in OAL Italy (Task 4.2) - Storm-surge
Reanalysis dataset from ECMWF ERA5 used in Task 4.2 (WP4) to describe a storm-surge event occurred in early February 2015, when the sea level over the Adriatic Sea reached...