Climate Fact Sheet for all European Open-Air Laboratories
HereonThe Climate Fact Sheet provides brief and concise information on possible future climate developments for all European Open-Air Laboratories in the 21st century. They are based... -
Global administrative borders - Level 0
GADM (Global ADMinistrative borders) spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions - Level 0. -
Act on Environmental Impact Assessment procedure - Finland
KAJOApplies to all projects that may be expected to have considerable negative environmental impacts. The Act lists the types of projects that must always be subjected to EIAs, such... -
Nature Conservation Act (1096/1996) - Finland
KAJOThe key instruments for the protection of biodiversity. Includes agriculture, forestry, mining, land extraction and utilization of water resources -
Finland SEA Act (200/2005) and SEA Decree (347/2005)
KAJOIn Finland 'the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is carried out for certain plans, programmes that are likely to have significant environmental effects in accordance... -
Government Decree on Water Resources Management (1040/2006) - Finland
KAJOFinnish National implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. -
Act on the Organisation of River Basin Management and the Marine (1299/2004) ...
KAJONational Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) in Finland. -
Government Decree on Water Resources Management Regions (1303/2004) - Finland
KAJOWater Resources Management Regions in Finland -
Government Decree on Substances Dangerous and Harmful to the Aquatic Environm...
KAJOThis Decree provides for the protection of surface waters and seeks to improve their quality by preventing pollution caused by dangerous and harmful substances - Finland -
Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building in Finland
KAJOThe objective of this Act is to ensure that the use of land and water areas and building activities on them create preconditions for a favourable living environment and promote... -
Government Decree on the Management of the Marine Environment 980 of 2011 - ...
KAJOImplementing the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) -
Ecosystem-based Natural Resources Planning (ENRP) and Landscape Ecological Pl...
KAJOENRP / LEP are established processes used in land use planning on state-owned land - mainly forests, but also a number of water bodies - throughout Finland. The ENRP / LEP plans...