Law No. 10/2020 approving the Disaster Risk Management Act.
UNESCOLaw No. 10/2020 approving the Disaster Risk Management Act. -
Ministerial Order No. 22/2005 approving the Statute of the Ministry for Agric...
UNESCOMinisterial Order No. 22/2005 approving the Statute of the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER). -
Decree No. 21/2006 creating the Fund for the Development of Agriculture (FDA).
UNESCODecree No. 21/2006 creating the Fund for the Development of Agriculture (FDA). -
Decree No. 6/2016 creating the National Fund for Sustainable Development (FNDS).
UNESCODecree No. 6/2016 creating the National Fund for Sustainable Development (FNDS). -
Resolution No. 3/2020 approving the Statute of the Ministry of Agriculture an...
UNESCOResolution No. 3/2020 approving the Statute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. -
National Sustainable Development Programme (PNDS) - Rural, Sustainable and In...
UNESCONational Sustainable Development Programme (PNDS) - Rural, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. -
National Strategy and Action Plan of Biological Diversity of Mozambique (2015...
UNESCONational Strategy and Action Plan of Biological Diversity of Mozambique (2015-2035). -
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of Mozambique to the Unite...
UNESCOIntended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of Mozambique to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). -
Resolution No. 12/2015 approving Governmental Five-Year Programme 2015-2019.
UNESCOResolution No. 12/2015 approving Governmental Five-Year Programme 2015-2019. -
Gender Strategy and Action Plan for Agrarian Sector 2016-2025.
UNESCOGender Strategy and Action Plan for Agrarian Sector 2016-2025. -
Resolution n. 42/2016 approving the Water Policy.
UNESCOResolution n. 42/2016 approving the Water Policy. -
Resolution No. 39/2017 approving the Policy and Strategy of the Sea (POLMAR).
UNESCOResolution No. 39/2017 approving the Policy and Strategy of the Sea (POLMAR). -
Resolution n. 40/2018 approving the Water Sector Action Plan for the Implemen...
UNESCOResolution n. 40/2018 approving the Water Sector Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Objectives 2015-2030. -
Resolution No. 11/2019 approving the National Plan for Water Resources Manage...
UNESCOResolution No. 11/2019 approving the National Plan for Water Resources Management. -
ASEAN Cooperation on Environment: At A Glance Brochure (2019)
UNESCOASEAN Cooperation on Environment: At A Glance Brochure (2019) -
ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resource Management
UNESCOASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resource Management