Activity Stream
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CKAN Admin updated the dataset European statistical borders - level 0 - states over 4 years ago
CKAN Admin updated the dataset European statistical borders - level 0 - states over 4 years ago
CKAN Admin updated the dataset European statistical borders - level 0 - states over 4 years ago
CKAN Admin updated the dataset European statistical borders - level 0 - states over 4 years ago
Milan Kalas updated their profile over 4 years ago
Milan Kalas updated their profile over 4 years ago
Milan Kalas updated their profile over 4 years ago
CKAN Admin changed the extra "metadata_point_of_contact" of the dataset Law 4280/2014 - Greece over 5 years ago
CKAN Admin updated their profile over 5 years ago
CKAN Admin updated the dataset Law 4280/2014 - Greece over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Law No 4280 /2014 Environmental Upgrading and Private Urban Planning in the dataset Law 4280/2014 - Greece over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Law No 4280 /2014 Environmental Upgrading and Private Urban Planning to the dataset Law 4280/2014 - Greece over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Law 4280/2014 - Greece over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Law no 3937/2011 on biodiversity conservation - Greece (Official Journal 60/A/2011) in the dataset Law no 3937/2011 on biodiversity conservation - Greece (Official Journal 60/A/2011) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the resource Law no 3937/2011 on biodiversity conservation - Greece (Official Journal 60/A/2011) to the dataset Law no 3937/2011 on biodiversity conservation - Greece (Official Journal 60/A/2011) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini created the dataset Law no 3937/2011 on biodiversity conservation - Greece (Official Journal 60/A/2011) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini removed the tag Policy from the dataset Act on Environmental Impact Assessment procedure - Finland over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag National policy to the dataset Act on Environmental Impact Assessment procedure - Finland over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag National legislation to the dataset Federal Act on Environmental Impact Assessment (UVP-G 2000) - Austria over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag Regional policy to the dataset Dike regulation in Lower Saxony - Niedersächsisches Deichgesetz (NDG) - Germany over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag National legislation to the dataset Austrian Forestry Act 1975 (Forstgesetz 1975, BGBl. Nr. 440/1975) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Austrian Forestry Act 1975 (Forstgesetz 1975, BGBl. Nr. 440/1975) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Regulation S.I. No. 538/2001; S.I. No. 473/2011 - Ireland - European Union (EIA & Habitats) Regs 2011; S.I. No. 246/2012 over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the resource Legislative Decree of 16 June 2017, 104, Implementation of the amended Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive (2014/52/EU) - Italy in the dataset Legislative Decree n. 104 of 16 June 2017 - over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini updated the dataset Wasserrechtsgesetz 1959 (Law on Water Management of 1959) - Austria over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag Finland to the dataset Finland SEA Act (200/2005) and SEA Decree (347/2005) over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag Finland to the dataset Act on the Organisation of River Basin Management and the Marine (1299/2004) - Finland over 5 years ago
Joy Ommer updated their profile over 5 years ago
Joy Ommer updated their profile over 5 years ago
Tommaso Sabbatini added the tag national policy to the dataset Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+ over 5 years ago
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