Private OAL-ITALY Erosion-deposition maps at Bellocchio Beach for the period 2010-2019
ArpaeThe dataset contains erosion-deposition maps carried out with the coastal morphological simulations made with the XBeach model at the Bellocchio Beach. The domain consists of a... -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2040-2049)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the future period 2040-2049. Data have... -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2010-2019)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the current period 2010-2019. Data have... -
Private Initial and final bed levels at the Bellocchio Beach (2010-2019)
This dataset comprises data for initial and final coastal bed levels simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the current... -
Private Initial and final bed levels at the Bellocchio Beach (2040-2049)
This dataset comprises data for initial and final coastal bed levels simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the future... -
Private Protection of land from hazard (% of land)
ArpaeThe data set contains information about coastal defence interventions along emilia-romagna littoral. Elaborations by Emilia Romagna Region and Arpae SIMC. -
Private Protected shorelines along Emilia-Romagna coast
The data set contains information about coastal defence interventions along emilia-romagna littoral. Elaborations by Emilia Romagna Region and Arpae SIMC -
Private Defence works along Emilia-Romagna coast
The data set contains information about coastal defence interventions along emilia-romagna littoral. Elaborations by Emilia Romagna Region and Arpae SIMC -
Private Percentage of shoreline eroded (%) in OAL Italy
ArpaeThe dataset contains elaborations of morphological surveys carried out on the emilia-romagna coast in 2012 and 2018. Data was collected and elaborated by Arpae SIMC. The study...