Private PWS (Personal Weatherstaions) for Dublin City
Overall, 45 users were selected as the most suitable locations for setting up the PWs. A comprehensive instruction was prepared and provided to the users to install the sensors... -
Private Dublin PRISMA Hyperspectral DataSet
PRISMA is a hyperspectral mission launched by the Italian Space Agency on 21 March 2019. PRISMA is the spaceborne hyperspectral sensor which provides imageries of the Earth’s... -
Private Smart Ecosystem Based Management Weather station data
UCDRealtime weather station database for eight weather parameters installed in different parts of the Dublin city that majorly uncovered by any other weather observation system -
OAl Ireland pictures
UCDThis dataset contains pictures that show status of OAL sites at different stages. Also, this dataset contains pictures taken during various activities and meetings. -
Private GIS map for Dublin
This dataset contain Agricultural land, NDVI and Housing Price for Dublin. -
Private Rainfall
UCDRainfall data collected at hourly scale for 2.5 years using low cost rainfall sensor.