Climate Fact Sheet for all European Open-Air Laboratories
HereonThe Climate Fact Sheet provides brief and concise information on possible future climate developments for all European Open-Air Laboratories in the 21st century. They are based... -
Global administrative borders - Level 0
GADM (Global ADMinistrative borders) spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions - Level 0. -
Federal Act on Environmental Impact Assessment (UVP-G 2000) - Austria
KAJOImplementation of the EIA Directive in Austria -
Austrian Forestry Act 1975 (Forstgesetz 1975, BGBl. Nr. 440/1975)
KAJOForest management, protection, and wood production. This legislation is also regulating the floods, avalanches and debris flow. Main aim of the Act is the conservation of the... -
Austrian construction and building law - Tyrol
KAJOIn Austria, each Land issues its own regulations. “Bauordnungen” (building laws) are in the competence of the Provinces and can be found in the respective laws gazette... -
Lower Austrian Nature Protection Concept (“Naturschutzkonzept”)
KAJODivides Lower Austria into several regions based on its natural landscapes and provides a basis for nature conservation in these regions. -
2020+ Austrian Forest Strategy
KAJOThe Forest Strategy serves as a guideline for short-, medium- and long-term forest policy in Austria. The manifold tasks harboured by forests are covered in seven specific... -
Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+
KAJOThis Biodiversity Strategy 2020 aims at conserving Austria’s biological diversity, at keeping in check the loss and degradation of species, genetic diversity and habitats as... -
Austrian Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change
KAJOThe revised strategy was adopted by the Council of Ministers in August 2017 and acknowledged by the Conference of the Provincial Governors on 10 November 2017. It represents the... -
Wasserrechtsgesetz 1959 (Law on Water Management of 1959) - Austria
KAJOThis law contains detailed regulations regarding the maintenance of water use and quality control in Austria.