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15 datasets found
Private PWS (Personal Weatherstaions) for Dublin City
Overall, 45 users were selected as the most suitable locations for setting up the PWs. A comprehensive instruction was prepared and provided to the users to install the sensors... -
Private Soil moisture time series of the NBS experiment in OAL-Austria
OAWSoil moisture time series of the NBS experiment in OAL-Austria acquired with time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) probes (Acclima TDR-315L). Soil moisture is recorded at 2 profile... -
Private Meteorological time series recorded at the station implemented in OAL-Austria
OAWTime series of meteorological variables recorded at the station implemented in OAL-Austria with the following senors: Variable | Unit | Sensors | Measurement... -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2040-2049)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the future period 2040-2049. Data have... -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2010-2019)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the current period 2010-2019. Data have... -
Private soil hydro-dynamics under mature trees
GCUdataset comprising information on soil hydro-dynamics (i.e. soil moisture, matric suction, and soil temperature) under mature trees subjected to stemflow and stemflow-free... -
Private meteorological dats OAL-UK
GCUMeteorological time series collected with a Davis Pro Met Station at OAL-UK in the course of the Operandum project. Information related to the variables can be found here... -
UoSEM-DAT: The Emergency Events Database - contains loaction, magnitude of damages, disaster subtype, disaster name and disaster number. -
Private Potential evapotranspiration OAL-UK
GCUDaily potential evapotranspiration for woody-vegetated land cover in OAL-UK in mm/m2 day including input variables for its calculation. Potential evapotranspiration estimated... -
Private Soil attributes at OAL_UK
GCUSpatially-distributed dataset for soil attributes in OAL-UK. Variables: soil organic matter (%), sand content (%), silt content (%), clay content (%), slope (deg), curvature... -
Private Daily rainfall and mean daily air temperature at OAL-UK (2011-2018)
GCUThis dataset comprises data for daily rainfall and mean daily air temperature recorded at OAL-UK with a 1-minute resolution Davis Vantage Pro 2 meteorological station from 2011... -
Private Rainfall
UCDRainfall data collected at hourly scale for 2.5 years using low cost rainfall sensor. -
Private plant diversity, biomass and terrain features
GCUThis datasets gathers information related to pioneer plant species and biomass at three different slope transects at OAL-UK. The dataset also gathers terrain information. The...