Private Soil moisture time series of the NBS experiment in OAL-Austria
OAWSoil moisture time series of the NBS experiment in OAL-Austria acquired with time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) probes (Acclima TDR-315L). Soil moisture is recorded at 2 profile... -
Private Meteorological time series recorded at the station implemented in OAL-Austria
OAWTime series of meteorological variables recorded at the station implemented in OAL-Austria with the following senors: Variable | Unit | Sensors | Measurement... -
Private Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria
Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria to infer the regolith depth and penetration resistance A light-weight CPT device was used, dropping a... -
Private Electrical tomography resistivity (ERT) monitoring time series
Multi-temporal electrical tomography resistivity (ERT) measurements for monitoring the performance of the bio-degradable bentonite mat in OAL-Austria -
Private Field setup and metadata of the NBS monitoring experiment in OAL-Austria
Field setup and metadata of the NBS monitoring experiment assessing the performance of a prototype of a bio-degradable bentonite mat conducted in OAL-Austria, including the... -
Private Soil moisture monitoring
Locations of the continuous soil moisture monitoring at the NBS field experiment site in OAL-AT -
Private OEAW_20200803_DGNSS_NBS_GCPs
Ground control points measured at the NBS field experiment site on 2020/08/03 with the help of a differential global navigation satellite system, post-processing with APOS-data... -
Private Implemented bio-degradable bentonite mat
Outline of the implemented prototype of a bio-degradable bentonite mat at OAL-AT -
Private ERT monitoring profile
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring profile at the NBS field experiment site in OAL-AT -
Private Digital Terrain Models at NBS-site
Digital terrain model with 10cm spatial resolution derived from terrestrial laser scanning at the NBS field experiment site -
Stacked remote sensing indices covering OAL-Austria
Stacked indices derived from Sentinel-2A/B imagery (processing level 2A) covering the period from 2017/04/24 to 2022/01/16 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(Rouse etal.... -
Classified forest stages in OAL-Austria
Classified areas according to defined forest stages in the upslope catchment area of OAL-Austria, derived from airborne laser scanning data acquired in 2007 -
Private Data sets for assessing potential CC impacts on the activity of the Vögelsber...
OAWBias-corrected air temperature and precipitation time series (RCM sample from EURO CORDEX) for Kleinvolderberg station near the Vögelsberg landslide (OAL-AT) under RCP8.5,... -
Private Monthly water balance components in OAL-AT for 1950-2100 under current landco...
OAWMonthly water balance components derived from an empirical water balance model driven with air temperature and precipitation from bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX data in OAL-AT for... -
Private Monthly water balance components in OAL-AT for 1950-2100 for changed landcover
OAWMonthly water balance components derived from an empirical water balance model driven with air temperature and precipitation from bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX data in OAL-AT for... -
Private Results from the hydro-climatological model AMUNDSEN
Spatio-temporal results from the hydro-meteorological model AMUNDSEN for the catchment area of the Vögelsberg landslide, including rainfall, snow melt and evapotranspiration.... -
Private Measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE)
Measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) in the upslope catchment area of the Vögelsberg landslide in 2019, used vor validation purposes of the model results in Pfeiffer et... -
Private Mean displacement map
Interpolated (spline) mean displacements derived from ATTS measurements -
Private Elevation_difference_ULS2018-ALS2013
Elevation difference from substraction of digital terrain models derived from UAV-borne laser scanning in 2018/08/03 and airborne laser scanning in 2013/05/18 -
Private DTM_ULS_2018
Digital terrain model derived from UAV-borne laser scanning (Riegl RiCopter, VUX-1LR) -
Private Differential digital terrain models at NBS site
Differential digital terrain models with 10cm spatial resolution derived from multi-temporal terrestrial laser scanning at the NBS field experiment site -
Private OEAW_20200728_UAV_NBS_NIR_composit
False-colour composit derived from a UAV campaign on 2020/07/28 before the NBS implementation -
Private TLS setup - displacement monitoring
Scanning positions for the landslide displacment monitoring based on terrestrial laser scanning (TLS); Riegl VZ-6000 long range TLS -
Private ULS setup - displacement monitoring
ULS flight plan for data acquisition; Riegl RICOPTER with VUX-1LR laser scanner -
Private Displacement_2013-2018
Displacement vectors of objects travelling on the landslide derived from airborne laser scanning (2013) and UAV-borne laser scanning (2018) -
Private Hydrological measurement locations
Monthly measurement campaigns have been carried out in OAL-AT from 2018-10 to 2020/07 including - Electrical conductivity - Water temperature - Discharge