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38 datasets found
Map of flood events in OAL Greece
Source: Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management Information Portal -
Private PWS (Personal Weatherstaions) for Dublin City
Overall, 45 users were selected as the most suitable locations for setting up the PWs. A comprehensive instruction was prepared and provided to the users to install the sensors... -
Map of Measurement Stations in the Basin Area_Greece
Existing forecast, monitoring, and measurement stations according to (Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management/Information Portal) andexisting... -
Map of Spercheios Basin Boundary
Source: Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management Information Portal -
Global administrative borders - Level 0
GADM (Global ADMinistrative borders) spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions - Level 0. -
Private OAL- Austria - Risk Assessment - Vögelsberg landslide
In this data set, you will find: - an excel file where data are compiled to assess the risk in the Vögelsberg area (Watten Valley), in Austria; a shapefile composed of multiple... -
Private OAL-UK-Catterline-RiskAssessment
In this data set, you will find a data file (.xls) and a (.shp) that compiles data to assess the risk in the Catterline Bay, in Scotland, UK. The dataset is composed of multiple... -
Private OAL- Italia - Risk Assessment - Panaro River
In this data set, you will find a Zip with a Shapefile (.shp), a data file (.xls) and the documentation (.pdf)that compiles data to assess the risk in the Panaro river basin, in... -
Private OAL_Garmeny_HEC-RAS_Flood_Risk_Results
Flooding is the main hazard at the OAL-Germany which causes damage to the properties and human life there. To manage the damages associated with flood risk, NBS was implemented... -
Private Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria
Dynamic cone penetration tests conducted at the NBS site in OAL-Austria to infer the regolith depth and penetration resistance A light-weight CPT device was used, dropping a... -
Private Field setup and metadata of the NBS monitoring experiment in OAL-Austria
Field setup and metadata of the NBS monitoring experiment assessing the performance of a prototype of a bio-degradable bentonite mat conducted in OAL-Austria, including the... -
Private Soil moisture monitoring
Locations of the continuous soil moisture monitoring at the NBS field experiment site in OAL-AT -
Private OEAW_20200803_DGNSS_NBS_GCPs
Ground control points measured at the NBS field experiment site on 2020/08/03 with the help of a differential global navigation satellite system, post-processing with APOS-data... -
Private Implemented bio-degradable bentonite mat
Outline of the implemented prototype of a bio-degradable bentonite mat at OAL-AT -
Private ERT monitoring profile
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring profile at the NBS field experiment site in OAL-AT -
Classified forest stages in OAL-Austria
Classified areas according to defined forest stages in the upslope catchment area of OAL-Austria, derived from airborne laser scanning data acquired in 2007 -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2040-2049)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the future period 2040-2049. Data have... -
Private Simulated Coastal Flood Depth at the Bellocchio Beach (2010-2019)
This dataset comprises data for flood depth simulated at the Bellocchio Beach in Lido di Spina, with the morphological model XBeach, for the current period 2010-2019. Data have...