National Climate Policy for Sri Lanka
UNESCOThe National Climate Change Policy contains a vision, mission, goal and a set of guiding principles followed by broad policy statements under Vulnerability, Adaptation,... -
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan of the People’s Republic o...
UNESCOChina National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030) is a cross-sectoral policy document. Developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection the plan... -
National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), 2010
UNESCOThe Policy aims to address the climate change adaptation needs of the country. It identifies of thematic areas such as forest and biodiversity for immediate adaptation actions.... -
Soil and Watershed Conservation Act, 1982
UNESCOThe Act defines soil and watershed conservation as actions to prevent or save any area from being destroyed from natural calamities such as flood, landslide and soil erosion and... -
National Agriculture Policy, 2004
UNESCOThe Policy focuses on enhancing commercial agriculture system to achieve sustainable economic growth through food security and poverty alleviation. The policy also encourages... -
Nepal Environmental Policy and Action Plan, 1993
UNESCOThe Plan aims to sustainably manage natural and physical resources, including agricultural land, rangeland, forest and water resource management, balance development with... -
The Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP), 2100
UNESCOThe BDP encompasses an integrated and holistic plan for achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh. The core of the BDP focusses on sustainable use of water resources... -
Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
UNESCOThe Policy is a pro-poor climate change strategy, which prioritises adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and also addresses low carbon development, mitigation, technology... -
National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), Bangladesh
UNESCOThe purpose of Bangladesh's NAPA is to identify and implement the immediate and urgent adaptation activities that address the current and anticipated adverse effects of climate... -
Wetland Conservation and Management Rules
UNESCOThe Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has notified Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017 under the provisions of the Environment... -
National Agricultural Policy
UNESCOThe Policy targets equitable inclusive growth and sustainability in terms of efficient use of resources. It seeks to promote technically sound, economically viable,... -
The European Union ( is Togo's NDC submitted to the UNFCCC. -
Map of flood events in OAL Greece
Source: Spercheios River Basin & Coastal Management Information Portal -
Global administrative borders - Level 0
GADM (Global ADMinistrative borders) spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions - Level 0. -
OAL China pictures
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and ResourcesThis dataset contains pictures that show status of OAL sites at different stages. Also, this dataset contains pictures taken during various activities and meetings. -
INSPIRE directive
KAJOThe INSPIRE Directive, establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe to support Community environmental policies, and policies or activities which may have an... -
OAL China (Hong Kong) pictures
The University of Hong KongThis dataset contains pictures that show status of OAL sites at different stages. Also, this dataset contains pictures taken during various activities and meetings. -
Flood Hazard Map (RP20y)
The Flood Hazard Map highlights areas (in pixels of 1km) that are likely to experience flooding once in 20 years. The given value expresses how deep (in meters) the flood water...